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Good Will Hunting

This week the reality of what I am preparing to do and the limited time I have to get ready hit hard. This forced me to change my mindset drastically from the leisure I had the previous week. I started to plan my travel route, and began making the necessary phone calls to start making progress on my list of tasks which include annual terminate inspections, trying to get defective airbags in the car replaced, taking the car in for some scheduled maintenance items for my car and looking around for a lawyer to prepare a solid will for me (Yes, this is the good will hunting, I’m doing; and the bad puns and obscure references will continue). In addition, I have been scrambling to shop for the clothing and gear I will need, and preparing for an upcoming multi-day wilderness first-aid course I will be taking. I now have time to spend money, but no way to make more for the next few weeks. Oh, the irony.

Does this make for an exciting blog post – I doubt it. All I can do is promise that coming along with me on a road trip to Alaska will make for better stories and pictures. Does this need to be done before I go, yes. So I will plug away, doing what needs to be done, knowing that it serves a purpose, hoping to be able to see in results the near future. I eagerly await the future taking one step at a time, even if I don’t know what is always around the next bend.

Lots of picture to come next week on Instagram from my Wilderness First Responder Training in North Carolina... stories to follow right here on Kurt in Yurt!

A note to my subscribers: Due to the some limits with the Web site package I have (namely $), I will only be able to send out a limited number of “fancy” emails. Some futures updates will come a little more basic.

Good Will Hunting (1997) – Will Hunting, a janitor at M.I.T., has a gift for mathematics, but needs help from a psychologist to find direction in his life.


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